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- "More lights in the sky: Alberta group looking into South Slave sighting"
- by P.J.Harston
- News/north (January 22, 1996) Yellowknife, NT
- A UFO watchdog group from Alberta has launched an investigation into recent
- sightings of unidentified flying objects in the Western Arctic. The
- investigation follows on the heels of more "flashing lights" sightings in Fort
- Resolution, as well as further reports from Hay River, Hay River Reserve and
- Fort Simpson. The Alberta Unidentified Flying Object Research Association
- began questionning eyewitnesses about the mysterious lights last week after
- they were alerted to the situation by a media organization. Investigator Cory
- Sine said this is the second case the private, not-for-profit organization has
- investigated in the NWT. "What we'll do is collect as much data on the
- sightings as we possibly can. We'll look at all the possibilities and we'll
- forward that information to the witnesses," Sine said. A single flashing red,
- green, blue and bright white light - like the ones which have been reported by
- Northerners in recent weeks - could have a simple explanation, Sine said.
- "A possible explanation" When low on the horizon, the spectrum of color
- contained in starlight could be refracted by the air and dispersed by
- turbulence. In simpler terms, the colors contained in starlight don't all
- reach the human eye at the same time. The phenomenon creates the illusion of
- a flashing light changing colors. Sine added that a star seen at tree level
- could easily "disappear" or move below the tree tops. As for the lights
- movement, it could simply be an optical illusion which occurs when the human
- eye has no reference point to help frame an object. The object may, therefore,
- appear to bob and weave in the sky.
- "I'm not saying that's the case, but it is one possibility," Sine said. He
- also said similiar sightings come from Alberta when the planet Venus appears in
- the sky. It sometimes appears to emit colored lights and move around. Sine's
- organization, which has been investigating UFO sightings since 1994, keeps
- records of all the reports it receives. He said the other NWT sighting the
- group received was from Yellowknife last summer. Originally, the Calgary-based
- organization only looked into Alberta UFO sightings. WIth the rise of the
- Internet, Sine said his group has been looking into sightings all over the
- world.
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